Tag Archives: Miss

Lessons from Steve Harvey & His Big Miss Universe Mistake

by Bob Hutchins December 22, 2015 Follow @BobhutchinsDecember 22, 2015 Remember Southwest Airline’s old “Wanna Get Away?” commercials? The ones that perfectly captured life’s most-embarrassing moments in a way that put your insides in knots? In the TV spots, those embarrassing situations, as cringe-worthy as they could be, were at least limited to a small, … Continue reading Lessons from Steve Harvey & His Big Miss Universe Mistake

Coaches Who Impose Social Media Bans Miss The Mark

Tom BuchheimAugust 16, 2015 Coaches and college administrators who impose social media bans are failing their student-athletes. Social media is a learning lab for anyone willing to dedicate time, attention and passion to it. Name the interest, and you can find and learn from people, content and events shared across today’s platforms. So why do … Continue reading Coaches Who Impose Social Media Bans Miss The Mark

Warning: Don’t Let Market Hype Cause You To Miss This Total Return Opportunity

Chuck CarnevaleMay 20, 2015 Introduction Since the Great Recession of 2008 came to an end, the stock market, as measured by the S&P 500, is almost midway through the 7th year of a strong bull run.  This marks today’s bull market as the third longest in US history.  Considering how traumatizing the Great Recession and … Continue reading Warning: Don’t Let Market Hype Cause You To Miss This Total Return Opportunity

5 Awesome Tools Small Businesses Shouldn’t Miss Out On

Tracy VidesJanuary 30, 2015 I can barely imagine life without RunKeeper, Flipboard and Evernote (not necessarily in that order!). Just makes me wonder about those dingy, dark, pre-smartphone days… How did we ever manage? Whether it’s just to say “Yo” (literally) to a buddy or tweak your elevator pitch, there’s one for every need that … Continue reading 5 Awesome Tools Small Businesses Shouldn’t Miss Out On