Tag Archives: Month

Beacons On Regent Street: Location, Relevancy Drive 48% To Use More Than Twice A Month

by Chuck Martin, Staff Writer, July 20, 2016 Beacons are helping shoppers find what they want. The beacons installed at retailers and restaurants in one of the earliest and wide-spread deployments are driving consumer engagement and sales. That’s what’s happening on the mile-long Regent Street, the Fifth Avenue of London, where beacons are sending messages … Continue reading Beacons On Regent Street: Location, Relevancy Drive 48% To Use More Than Twice A Month

11 Incredible Video Marketing Stats from the Past Month

by Claude Harrington February 2, 2016February 2, 2016 To kick off February, we’ve put together a list of the most interesting video marketing statistics from the past month. Some of these stats piqued our interest because of what they say about the state of video marketing, whereas others helped identify the type of content that … Continue reading 11 Incredible Video Marketing Stats from the Past Month

Video Trends Report: Mobile Video Plays Doubled YoY In Q4 2014; Up 15% From Previous Month

Study says mobile video consumption continues to rise rapidly, up 16 times what it was in 2011. Amy Gesenhues on March 12, 2015 To no one’s surprise, more and more people are watching video content on their mobile devices. What’s astounding is how fast mobile video consumption is growing. According to video marketing firm Ooyala, … Continue reading Video Trends Report: Mobile Video Plays Doubled YoY In Q4 2014; Up 15% From Previous Month

How Spending One Hour Per Day In Linkedin Got Me Three Clients In Less Than A Month

Jimmy RodelaJanuary 29, 2015 © bahrialtay / Dollar Photo Club How EXACTLY do you use social media to get clients? This guide answers just that. To be even more specific – as the title suggests – I’ll share with you the methods that I used to get 3 clients in less than a month while … Continue reading How Spending One Hour Per Day In Linkedin Got Me Three Clients In Less Than A Month