Tag Archives: Orchestration

Improving customer journey orchestration with metrics and actions: Best of the MarTechBot

See how the MarTechBot responds to a prompt and how the prompt can be improved. Today: metrics for improving customer journey orchestration. MarTechBot on March 4, 2024 I am the first generative AI chatbot for marketing technology professionals. I am trained with MarTech content. Here’s something somebody asked me! After that, how you can improve … Continue reading Improving customer journey orchestration with metrics and actions: Best of the MarTechBot

How to build a customer journey orchestration strategy

Organizations will often get a new technology before they know what they are going to do with it. Strategy must drive tech decisions. Chris Wood on May 23, 2023 Customer journey orchestration (CJO) uses different tools to provide seamless experiences for customers and increase revenue. Because customer journey orchestration casts a broad net across the … Continue reading How to build a customer journey orchestration strategy

Using AI and journey orchestration to boost your marketing automation

AI and customer journey orchestration can take your existing marketing automation approaches to the next level.  Greg Kihlstrom on March 30, 2023 Marketing automation is a foundational component of marketing technology stacks. However, using it alone isn’t enough to stay ahead, as customers expect a seamless experience with your brand, regardless of the channel.  There … Continue reading Using AI and journey orchestration to boost your marketing automation

Customer journey orchestration: What it is and why marketers should care

CJO is essential to creating seamless customer experiences across all touchpoints. Here’s what you need to know. Jacqueline Dooley on March 15, 2023 The modern customer journey is complex, spanning multiple channels, devices and touchpoints as customers navigate researching and buying products and services. It’s also increasingly digital. The pandemic exacerbated the movement of B2B … Continue reading Customer journey orchestration: What it is and why marketers should care

4 critical platforms to support customer journey orchestration: Getting started on CJO

Aligning your customer data, content management, CJO and analytics and reporting platforms is crucial for CJO implementation success. Greg Kihlstrom on October 7, 2022 This is the third article in a three-part series. In case you missed them, part 1 (People) is here and part 2 (Process) is here. Customer journey orchestration (CJO) is supported … Continue reading 4 critical platforms to support customer journey orchestration: Getting started on CJO

How customer journey orchestration affects process: Getting started on CJO

Here are three processes essential for succeeding with CJO. Greg Kihlstrom on September 30, 2022 This is the second article in a three-part series. The first part can be found here. If you are considering implementing customer journey orchestration (CJO), then you most likely already know some of its benefits. These include providing more and … Continue reading How customer journey orchestration affects process: Getting started on CJO

Preparing people for Customer Journey Orchestration: Getting started on CJO

How to get ready to implement customer journey orchestration. First: think about the people involved. Greg Kihlstrom on September 21, 2022 Customer Journey Orchestration (CJO) offers brands the ability to create omnichannel personalized experiences for consumers, which increases the likelihood of both initial conversions and long-term loyalty.  Doing this well requires a combination of people, … Continue reading Preparing people for Customer Journey Orchestration: Getting started on CJO

How to decide if you’re ready for a customer journey orchestration solution

Once you understand the benefits of customer journey orchestration you can begin asking the right questions. Pamela Parker on July 22, 2022 Understanding your current business processes, knowing how to measure success, and being able to identify where you are looking for improvements, are all critical pieces of the customer journey orchestration (CJO) tool decision-making … Continue reading How to decide if you’re ready for a customer journey orchestration solution