Tag Archives: play

When Work Becomes Play: Gamification in the Workplace

Business.comMarch 13, 2015 Gamification is a current buzzword in business management. Despite the popularity of the concept, not many managers actually know how and when to use it order to achieve their goals. And gamification can help them in a lot of ways; it motivates and engages people, changes their behaviors, helps to develop specific … Continue reading When Work Becomes Play: Gamification in the Workplace

Norwest’s Edtech Play: Aim Straight For Consumers Needing Skills

December 05, 2014 Bernadette Tansey   Bernadette Tansey Palo Alto, CA-based Norwest Venture Partners is one of the investment firms that are placing bets on educational technology, a fast-growing field that is transforming the way students learn, from kindergarten through college and beyond. I talked recently with Sergio Monsalve, one of the Norwest partners who … Continue reading Norwest’s Edtech Play: Aim Straight For Consumers Needing Skills