Tag Archives: Profiling

How to use AI personality profiling for B2B engagement

Learn the benefits of AI personality profiling, from reaching a wider audience to honing in on what your audience values most. Scott Gillum on September 21, 2023 Every day we form impressions of the people we meet. We assess their trustworthiness, credibility and level of friendliness based on our interactions. In business, we often assess … Continue reading How to use AI personality profiling for B2B engagement

Progressive profiling: Why it’s a win for you and your customers

Contributor Ryan Phelan explains the benefits of progressive profiling and walks you through the steps you should take when implementing your profiling program. Ryan Phelan on May 17, 2017   “First-person marketing,” as my colleague, Matt McGowan, explained in an earlier Marketing Land piece, sees customers as individuals to whom brands must shape their messaging … Continue reading Progressive profiling: Why it’s a win for you and your customers

How audience profiling, based on real-time online customer interactions, reveals the faces in the crowd

Contributor Giovanni Strocchi explains how audience profiling built on first-party data can help marketers get to know their audience on a personal level and predict their needs. Giovanni Strocchi on January 23, 2017   Today’s scattergun approach to targeting, based on wide demographic assumptions, overlooks an important fact for marketers: Target audiences are made up … Continue reading How audience profiling, based on real-time online customer interactions, reveals the faces in the crowd

Four Keys To Improved Subscriber Journey With Progressive Profiling

Subscribers change over time. Their needs change. Their interests change. Their goals change. And change can be very dramatic from year to year and season to season. So even if your email program has a great onboarding program where you learn about subscribers’ preferences, it’s not enough. Analyzing subscriber behavior can give you valuable insights … Continue reading Four Keys To Improved Subscriber Journey With Progressive Profiling