Tag Archives: reports

Top 5 Tips For Interpreting And Acting On Attribution Reports

With the glut of data available today, measuring the return from your marketing program can be a difficult task. Columnist Eric Dezendorf has some key tactics for tackling attribution reports. Eric Dezendorf on October 28, 2015   How do you accurately measure the return on your marketing initiatives? Marketing attribution, or using analytics to assign … Continue reading Top 5 Tips For Interpreting And Acting On Attribution Reports

Email Marketing Study: Lodging & Travel Industry Reports Highest Email Open Rate At 56%

A new email benchmark study from Silverpop found the Lodging and Travel industry was a top performer when it came to email open rates and CTRs. Amy Gesenhues on September 14, 2015   According to a new email metrics benchmark study from marketing software provider Silverpop, the Lodging, Travel Agencies and Services industry reported a … Continue reading Email Marketing Study: Lodging & Travel Industry Reports Highest Email Open Rate At 56%

Marketing: Using Reports To Tell The Story Of Your Social Media Performance

Ben DonkorMarch 31, 2015 How engaging were our brand’s Tweets last year? How did the blog perform compared to the previous year? What worked, what didn’t work, and why? These are just some of the questions that reporting can help you answer to plan ahead: budget, strategy, tools, acquisitions – you name it. So, how … Continue reading Marketing: Using Reports To Tell The Story Of Your Social Media Performance

Twitter Ads: Using Conversion Data Reports to Optimize and Refine Campaigns

Brenda TonMarch 30, 2015 If you’re running Twitter Ads and wondering why your cost per action is high, this post will show you how to use Twitter’s campaign reporting and analytics to deep dive, optimize, and refine your campaigns. In order to take advantage of these actionable insights, you must have Twitter’s conversion pixel installed. … Continue reading Twitter Ads: Using Conversion Data Reports to Optimize and Refine Campaigns

Everything’s Bigger In Texas: Sampling & Google Analytics Reports

Sites that generate high traffic numbers often use sampling to save on processing time, but columnist Brian Massey notes it’s important to know if your sample is statistically significant. Brian Massey on March 5, 2015 Howdy, ya’ll. Since before our friends in Alaska became the biggest state (by area), we Texans have been saying that … Continue reading Everything’s Bigger In Texas: Sampling & Google Analytics Reports

Twitter Triples The Size Of The Abuse Support Team & Adds Doxing Reports

The attack on Twitter abuse (especially on sensitive personal data) is being elevated in 2015 with extra staff, better reporting & tools. Greg Finn on February 27, 2015  Earlier this month, an internal email leaked where Dick Costolo, Twitter’s CEO, stated “We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls.” It appears that the actions to … Continue reading Twitter Triples The Size Of The Abuse Support Team & Adds Doxing Reports

Reporting: Cheat Sheet for Manufacturers to Improve Management Reports

Paul BywaterJanuary 26, 2015 Make the decisions that really matter, with the information you need. Good reporting turns raw information into valuable business knowledge. But when your data is spread across multiple software systems and different departments, it’s all too easy for day-to-day as well as strategically critical information to end up lost, or buried … Continue reading Reporting: Cheat Sheet for Manufacturers to Improve Management Reports