How I Turned the Mistakes of My First Startup into Wins for My Second One Rihards Piks / 11 Feb 2022 When I founded my first company, Grafomap, I was an idealist. But, like many freshly baked entrepreneurs, I saw this personalized map poster startup almost as my own child and felt the need … Continue reading How I Turned the Mistakes of My First Startup into Wins for My Second One
Tag Archives: Second
10 Marketing Trends to Watch in the Second Half of 2021
Joseph Chukwube August 15, 2021 As companies prepare for the rollercoaster of holidays that mark the end of the year (Halloween, Thanksgiving & Black Friday, and Christmas & New Year), it is important to outline and explain some of the marketing trends that will prove helpful. Among all the trends, though, one factor stands out, … Continue reading 10 Marketing Trends to Watch in the Second Half of 2021
Brand Safety For CTV Comes First, Performance Is A Close Second
Brand Safety For CTV Comes First, Performance Is A Close Second by Wayne Friedman , February 19, 2021 Although there is a continued lack of simple, industry-wide standards for cross-media and/or connected TV metrics — as well as some eye-opening fraud issues — CTV advertising dollars are estimated to rise to $11 billion. What’s the … Continue reading Brand Safety For CTV Comes First, Performance Is A Close Second
The Amazon Side Hustle: 3 Business Models to Help You Add a Second Income
Michael Ugino January 15, 2021 Think you have no chance of success on Amazon if you don’t run a full-time business? Good news: Over half of Amazon sellers run their business part-time—and 37% have full-time jobs. Maybe you want to build an online store that eventually frees you from your 9–5. Maybe you could really … Continue reading The Amazon Side Hustle: 3 Business Models to Help You Add a Second Income
The New Second Shift: Study Shows Many Full-Time Employees Took on Freelance Work
Stefan Palios January 11, 2021 More full-time employees are taking a second shift. But it’s not necessarily to care for family. It’s to moonlight as a freelancer. As the pandemic has more people considering freelancing and as big business commit to hiring freelancers, there’s a lot of opportunity on the table. What’s interesting, though, is … Continue reading The New Second Shift: Study Shows Many Full-Time Employees Took on Freelance Work
Can Your Business Survive a Second Wave of COVID-19?
Graham Jones September 24, 2020 Last week, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted that a “second wave” of COVID-19 seemed inevitable. We have known about the pattern of viral infections for centuries, so it should have been no surprise to our leaders that this second wave was coming. The problem for businesses is that … Continue reading Can Your Business Survive a Second Wave of COVID-19?
How Much Does it Cost to Produce a 60 Second TV Commercial?
Torrey Tayenaka — March 18, 2020 As a production company, we are often asked this question: “How much does it cost to produce a 60-second tv commercial?” seems like a simple enough question right? Well, in reality, it is much more complex than it looks. Asking this question is like asking an architect how much … Continue reading How Much Does it Cost to Produce a 60 Second TV Commercial?
Taking A Second Look: Why Bigger is Not Always Better When it Comes to Investing
J. Frank Sigerson — December 5, 2018 — December 5, 2018 “Think big.” If you’re someone who wants to get their hands wet by dipping them into the world of investing, then chances are, you’ve already heard of that motto one too many times. In fact, it’s the motto that most successful investors live by. … Continue reading Taking A Second Look: Why Bigger is Not Always Better When it Comes to Investing
B2B Reality: Content Is First In ROI, Email Second
B2B Reality: Content Is First In ROI, Email Second by Ray Schultz , Columnist, August 15, 2018 Email may produce the best ROI in general — but not in B2B, where it comes in second to content marketing, according to the 2018 B2B Marketing Survey, a study by Contentive in partnership with ClickZ. Of 214 … Continue reading B2B Reality: Content Is First In ROI, Email Second
Second Thoughts: Five May Be Too Short, Some Say
Second Thoughts: 5 May Be Too Short, Some Say by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, June 15, 2018 Google’s longstanding message to publishers to focus on web page load time speeds and reduce the number of ads that appear on one page might be falling on deaf ears. As recently as this week, agencies and ad industry … Continue reading Second Thoughts: Five May Be Too Short, Some Say