Tag Archives: Supply

Russia’s war with Ukraine could permanently reshape the global supply chain

By Tinglong Dai   March 15, 2022   Francis Fukuyama, the American political scientist who once described the collapse of the Soviet Union as the “end of history,” suggested that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine might be called “the end of the end of history.” He meant that Vladimir Putin’s aggression signals a rollback of the … Continue reading Russia’s war with Ukraine could permanently reshape the global supply chain

How Email Helps Solve Holiday Shopping Supply Chain Issues

Beatriz Redondo Tejedor December 14, 2021 Forget holiday shopping; it’s supply chain issues that are making headlines. While email marketers will still mark those big dates in the holiday marketing calendar, the real winners will be the ones who take a more agile approach to the season. This year at Mailjet, we’re telling our clients … Continue reading How Email Helps Solve Holiday Shopping Supply Chain Issues

Shoppers are right to worry about holiday supply chain problems

Consumers are concerned about holiday shopping issues, a new report shows. And they’re right to be. Kim Davis on December 9, 2021 A new study conducted by Wakefield Research for customer communications platform Intercom confirms that shoppers got the message about the supply chain crisis impacting holiday shopping and gift giving. 77% of consumers anticipate … Continue reading Shoppers are right to worry about holiday supply chain problems

Supply Chain and Sales Growth: What the Best Buy Case Teaches About Going Digital

Rocky Osborn March 26, 2021 The pandemic triggered two significant shifts in the retail market. First and foremost, the lockdown caused the closure of physical stores and forced businesses to rethink their business models and strategies. Urged to go online and digital, some players succeeded, others failed. Secondly, technologies have become indispensable. Learning, working, and … Continue reading Supply Chain and Sales Growth: What the Best Buy Case Teaches About Going Digital

When the Supply Chain Is the Pain: The Lessons of Target in Canada

Rocky Osborn March 23, 2021 Meeting customer demands is hard. It gets even harder in terms of shipping. You have most likely heard of the Amazon effect. It’s the company’s approach to e-commerce shipping and logistics when a customer gets everything he or she wants in the shortest time possible. For Amazon Prime, for instance, … Continue reading When the Supply Chain Is the Pain: The Lessons of Target in Canada