Tag Archives: Teams

How MOPs teams are staying agile as remote work becomes the norm

Agile expert and coach Stacey Ackerman says it’s important to have a strong facilitator to make sure everyone is actively participating in the conversation. Amy Gesenhues on March 25, 2020  When the agile movement first began, one of the founding principles was ‘face-to-face’ communication, according to Stacey Ackerman, an agile expert and founder of Agilify, … Continue reading How MOPs teams are staying agile as remote work becomes the norm

How Marketing Teams Can Adapt to Having Fewer Industry Events

Tom Wozniak — March 17, 2020 If you’re involved in marketing or sales for just about any industry where traveling to industry events is part of your strategy, you’re almost certainly being impacted by the growing number of cancellations for large events right now. Many companies depend on these types of events to generate new … Continue reading How Marketing Teams Can Adapt to Having Fewer Industry Events

Create a healthy partnership with your internal teams using agile marketing

It’s time to ditch the order-taking syndrome and build stronger partnerships with your stakeholders. Stacey Ackerman on March 9, 2020 A lot of marketers find themselves in the position of being an order taker with their internal stakeholders who have lost sight of the value we bring to the table. With agile marketing, we can … Continue reading Create a healthy partnership with your internal teams using agile marketing

How Much Autonomy Should Teams Get From Their Agile Leader?

Peter Koning — January 13, 2020 The agile movement really has changed the way we lead our people. Giving them more freedom and autonomy to do their job often improves the quality, productivity and happiness of the people. Because knowledge workers (or highly educated people) don’t need a boss to tell them what to do, … Continue reading How Much Autonomy Should Teams Get From Their Agile Leader?

How Product Teams Can Differentiate in the Crowded Enterprise SaaS Market

Uri Haramati — November 27, 2019 Follow @uriharamati The SaaS industry is now worth $ 116 billion worldwide. According to Analytical Research Cognizance, the market will grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 21% until 2023. Gartner predicts that combined revenue from SaaS companies will hit $ 278 billion within three years. Capterra, one … Continue reading How Product Teams Can Differentiate in the Crowded Enterprise SaaS Market

How Top Sales Teams Write the Perfect Follow-up Email After No Response

Stephanie Lee — November 18, 2019 We all know what it’s like to send a qualified prospect our highest converting sales pitch, only to receive total radio silence in return. We get stuck wondering why our prospect didn’t respond, what happened since the last time we spoke, and what we should say next. In fact, … Continue reading How Top Sales Teams Write the Perfect Follow-up Email After No Response