November 02, 2024 Make this mindset shift to cultivate joy through tough times The author of ‘The Joy You Make’ explains why joy is much bigger than happiness. Happiness is eating a fudge brownie. Joy is making a pan of brownies to share. BY Next Big Idea Club Steven Petrow is known for his columns and … Continue reading Make this mindset shift to cultivate joy through tough times
Tag Archives: Tough
It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist
May 26, 2024 It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist Meg Jay wrote the book on treatments for twentysomethings. She explains how young adult brains are more likely to think catastrophically—and feel negatively—than those of older adults, and they have less … Continue reading It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist
One simple question that will reframe interactions with a tough boss (and not get you fired)
By Mike Schnaidt January 16, 2024 “Does everyone on the team deserve to be here?” This question was posed by the person who went on to become tech design leader Eve Binder’s boss at a large company. And of course, they were hired. You’ll deal with bad bosses at all stages of your career. … Continue reading One simple question that will reframe interactions with a tough boss (and not get you fired)
Elon Musk’s Twitter has work to do if it wants to comply with the EU’s tough new digital rules
By Kelvin Chan—Associated Press June 23, 2023 Twitter needs to do more work to fall in line with the European Union’s tough new digital rulebook, a top EU official said after overseeing a “stress test” of the company’s systems in Silicon Valley. European Commissioner Thierry Breton said late Thursday that he noted the “strong commitment of … Continue reading Elon Musk’s Twitter has work to do if it wants to comply with the EU’s tough new digital rules
Bringing Agency Work In-House: Best Practices For Tough Times
Bringing Agency Work In-House: Best Practices For Tough Times by Christine Cifra , Maureen Link , November 3, 2022 Bringing agency work in-house is a winning play. Just ask marketers at Verizon, AB InBev and Citi. Yet, in a survey conducted by RSW/U.S. last December, only 39% of marketers said more than half of their … Continue reading Bringing Agency Work In-House: Best Practices For Tough Times
Tough times increasing consumers’ desire for reliable, trustworthy companies
74% say communicating honestly and transparently is more important now than pre-pandemic. Constantine von Hoffman on June 13, 2022 Ultimately, what all companies sell is trust and tumultuous times make earning and keeping that trust the most important thing a business can do. This can be seen in a recent Salesforce report which found: 88% … Continue reading Tough times increasing consumers’ desire for reliable, trustworthy companies
How to Work on Tough Problems Without Insulting Anyone
Liz Kislik February 4, 2021 A client called me last week to ask how to handle a recurring situation: a longtime manager of one department accused another work group of making serious, costly mistakes — all the time, because they didn’t care — and that other work group naturally felt under attack. To prepare … Continue reading How to Work on Tough Problems Without Insulting Anyone
Business Survival Strategies for Tough Economic Times
Angela Hausman, PhD February 2, 2021 Actually, I probably should have stopped with just titling this post business survival strategies since virtually the same strategies help a business survive in tough times as in times of plenty. The difference is that, in tough times, your business can decline precipitously while in good economic times, potential … Continue reading Business Survival Strategies for Tough Economic Times
Why is Software Testing Considered a Tough Job?
Ray Parker November 1, 2020 Usually, testers are responsible to identify all the mess created by developers in a system. No matter how experienced the developers are or how much effort they put in, there is hardly a chance to create software that is completely free from errors. Despite being equipped with a rich toolkit … Continue reading Why is Software Testing Considered a Tough Job?
How to Help Your Team Plan Its Way Through a Tough Time
Liz Kislik October 22, 2020 In many companies today, both employees and leaders are fearful about the future. It may not be clear which direction to take, how to get there, or how to get the resources you need — and that’s before considering whether you’ll get cooperation from your team. It’s not practical … Continue reading How to Help Your Team Plan Its Way Through a Tough Time