One of the oldest players in the MAP market sells to a Washington-based SPAC. Mike Pastore on January 24, 2025 Marketing automation provider Act-On, one the early players in the SaaS martech space, was acquired Thursday by Banzai. Banzai is paying $ 53.2 million for Act-On, with $ 20 million in cash and the … Continue reading Marketing automation vendor Act-On acquired for $53 million
Tag Archives: Vendor
What to do when your vendor has a data breach
One of your vendors will suffer a data breach. It is a when, not an if. They may have already, but not yet know it. Because marketing handles so much customer data, it’s essential to know what to do when a breach happens. There will be a breach in 2023, 61% of companies reported a … Continue reading What to do when your vendor has a data breach
Will you ever trust a B2B tech vendor?
Some vendors lose the trust of customers through poor decisions. But some don’t seem to be trying to earn it to begin with. Mike Pastore on June 17, 2024 Trust in business is not quite the same as trust in our personal lives. I think everyone recognizes that. You’ll never trust Salesforce or HubSpot … Continue reading Will you ever trust a B2B tech vendor?
10 things to do if your martech solution vendor gets bought
Acquisitions mean a lot of change. Pricing, service level agreements, customer reps and more. Here’s what you need to know to handle it. Constantine von Hoffman on April 25, 2024 What do you do if the vendor of one of your martech solutions gets bought? An acquisition can change many things, including price, customer … Continue reading 10 things to do if your martech solution vendor gets bought
3 considerations before leaving your martech vendor
Understand if it’s time to move on by evaluating solution fit, looking into your vendor’s plans and exploring the competitive landscape. Michelle Tackabery on April 23, 2024 Have you sensed that your martech solution or vendor is losing interest? Or do you have concerns that recent updates might indicate a change in strategy that … Continue reading 3 considerations before leaving your martech vendor
MarTech in 2024: Who will be the enterprise and vendor winners and losers?
The AI train is coming down the track and 2024 is the year winning brands and vendors will climb aboard. Anita Brearton on February 27, 2024 AI is going to completely transform marketing. It is the enabling technology that will give us the ability to manage, analyze and act upon the customer data we’ve collected … Continue reading MarTech in 2024: Who will be the enterprise and vendor winners and losers?
The art of martech vendor negotiations
Strategic preparation and emotional awareness are key for negotiating win-win martech deals. Talisha Padgett on December 6, 2023 Negotiating with martech vendors requires a strategic approach that goes beyond budget considerations. From defining core needs to mastering emotional intelligence, here is a roadmap to navigate the nuances of vendor dynamics. Dealing with martech vendors Martech … Continue reading The art of martech vendor negotiations
Would you let a real-life vendor stalk you like an Instagram ad?
By Elissaveta M. Brandon November 15, 2022 You’re in a shoe store, trying on a pair of Nikes. The vendor is going on about how great the shoes are, but you’re not convinced, so you walk out empty handed. Sometime later, that same vendor pops up out of nowhere in the supermarket. “I’m just … Continue reading Would you let a real-life vendor stalk you like an Instagram ad?
30 questions to ask a digital events platform vendor
What you should be asking the DEP vendor can depend on your business use case. Pamela Parker on October 7, 2022 If you’ve decided a digital events platform makes sense for your business, spend time researching individual vendors and their capabilities by doing the following: Make a list of all the DEP capabilities you currently … Continue reading 30 questions to ask a digital events platform vendor
What are marketing automation platforms, what do they do, and how is the vendor landscape changing?
The market is quickly evolving, as modern marketers demand integrated marketing functionality that rapidly translates into bottom-line return. Pamela Parker on January 23, 2022 Marketing automation software can improve marketing productivity and increase lead quality. Here’s what you need to know before adopting a marketing automation platform. Marketing automation is the use of software and … Continue reading What are marketing automation platforms, what do they do, and how is the vendor landscape changing?