Tag Archives: Winning

9 Tips For Creating a Winning Infographic

Mark Armstrong June 25, 2020 Illustration: Mark Armstrong What’s an infographic? Consider the following definitions: A chart, diagram, or illustration that uses graphic elements to present information in a visually striking way. A chart, graph, or other image accompanied by minimal text, intended to give an easily understood overview, often of a complex subject. Infographics … Continue reading 9 Tips For Creating a Winning Infographic

Leadership at Scale: Why Trust is a Key Ingredient in a Winning Scale-Up Team

Jeanne Hardy — March 20, 2020 In the early stages of business, CEOs and founders are involved in almost all aspects of a business, from creating budgets to picking out furniture for the office. As the team grows and day-to-day responsibilities are passed off to new employees, the CEO often stays very involved in most … Continue reading Leadership at Scale: Why Trust is a Key Ingredient in a Winning Scale-Up Team

8 Steps to Create Winning Business Proposals for Your Prospects

Brett McHale — March 16, 2020 Any individual who owns or manages a small marketing agency will know that the process of crafting a proposal to a potential client is a task that can be perfected—and, even better, easily duplicated. Although mastering the entirety of agency sales takes practice and experience, understanding how to properly … Continue reading 8 Steps to Create Winning Business Proposals for Your Prospects