Career trends and practices move at lighting speed. You’ve seen how digital has become a key player across industries. And. that working from home has become the new normal. But what can you do to benefit from these changes?
Why We All Need Some Career Tips and Advice
In many industries, competition is higher than ever before. And that’s for everyone. And I don’t have to tell you that after the age of 50, getting work becomes harder.
All to say, it’s not easy.
But you already knew that. You may have confronted ageism, both subtle and less subtle. Being told for exaple that you’re too experienced or not a good fit when you know those are code words for being too old.
But you don’t give up. You want to prove that you have a place in this new work era.
After all, that’s why you’re here.
And that’s where these career tips come in. These tips will help you see areas in which you can hone your skills and make yourself invaluable, no matter your age.
Whether you are embarking on your own career pivot and personal branding journey, or you’re looking for ways to spruce up your workplace game, these career tips can help.
2 Career Tips That Will Help You in this New Work Age
Career Tip #1: Build Resilience
LinkedIn Learning recently released its 2021 Workplace Learning Report, which delved into what skills are most valuable in today’s workplace.
Topping the list was resilience. Resilience is a mindset that enables you to work in a constantly changing and challenging environment — which, let’s face it, is the case in most of today’s industries.
How do you build resilience?
You’re already good at your job. You know what you do inside and out. But resilience involves building key qualities that will help you thrive in your role, including confidence, adaptability, positivity, stamina, and even a sense of humor.
An inescapable part of resilience is our viewpoint. When difficulties arise, resilient people view it is as challenge. Instead of being paralyzed by a difficult situation, they view it as an opportunity for growth. Instead of beating themselves up over a perceived failure, they look at it as a lesson to learn.
This is an especially valuable quality to develop now. Due to the pandemic, many workplaces are under increased stress and uncertainty.
Some things that you can do to build your resilience include…
- Look at the positive. I know that might sound Pollyannish but it works. If you’re laid off from a job, for example, obviously you’re distressed and challenged. And you probably need time to process that. Once you get beyond your upset, though, ask yourself what is one positive about the situation? Does it free up time to do things you didn’t have time to do before such as spending more time with your family?
- Practice gratitude. It’s easy to forget what we have especially when everything else seems out of sorts. Yet, being grateful for what we have, even something as simple as taking a walk on a beautiful day, instils us with hope.
- Laugh at yourself. A good sense of humor is a great way to decrease stress and continue on despite difficulties. It stops you from taking yourself so seriously and victimizing yourself.
- Build a network. A close network or community can be a great place to unwind and receive the support you need to bounce back.
- Turn to a mentor. A mentor or coach will aid your seeing through a difficult situation to the other side. Often he or she will provide insight to help you destress and refocus.
The bottom line: Resilience is a key quality you need, no matter where you are in your career.
Career Tip #2: Hone Your Digital Skills
Second on LinkedIn’s report was digital fluency, or technological knowledge to operate in an increasingly digital landscape.
Technology is evolving so rapidly that it’s a challenge to keep up. But for those of us over 50, it can be extremely daunting, especially if you’re responsible for the direction of your organization or if you’re looking to make a career change. But there’s no way around it. Technology is an essential part of any business, no matter your industry.
So what can you do to build digital skills?
First, you need to embrace learning. This means always looking for ways to improve, learn, and expand.
Analyze your industry and determine what skills will help you grow within it. It could be something as simple as taking a comprehensive course on Microsoft Office or social media. It could also be something more complex, such as learning about basic programming languages or artificial intelligence.
Then, look for ways to learn and grow. Sign up for online learning platforms like SkillShare, LinkedIn Learning, or Udemy. You can learn a lot by reading blog articles and following experts on social media.
If you have a learning mindset, you will find ways to expand your digital skillset.
And if it seems a bit daunting? Do reverse mentoring with a millennial who lives and breathes the digital realm. In return, you can offer career advise and life wisdom to the millennial.
Concluding Thoughts
You’ll notice that both of these tips heavily focus on your mindset, and for good reason. You need both a resilient, positive mindset and a learning mindset to succeed in today’s world of work.
Whether you have a career change on the horizon or simply want to combat ageism and make yourself more valuable, both of these career tips will help.
Photo by Jordan Madrid on Unsplash
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