The Best Facebook Groups For Recruiters

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— July 13, 2017

The Best Facebook Groups For Recruiters

geralt / Pixabay

It used to be LinkedIn was the social network you used for your professional life and Facebook was the one for your personal life. Today, that distinction isn’t so clear.

In fact, LinkedIn groups are mostly dead these days while Facebook groups are thriving.

Here are 4 Facebook groups you need to be in if you’re in recruiting.

1. Recruiters Online

Description: 1. Members must be involved in Recruiting, Sourcing, Interviewing, Hiring, HR, Recruitment Marketing, Recruiting Social Media, Career Consulting or work for a company that does this stuff. This is NOT a place to advertise your company or post your jobs.

Members: 11,384

Admins: Micheal Kelemen, The Recruiting Animal, Chaim Yuk, Jason Davis

Why you should join: Driven by Michael Kelemen, discussions can be provocative but always thought-provoking. Members include a mix of recruiters, industry influencers, and vendors.

Join here: link.

2. The Secret Sourcing Group

Description: This is a secret sourcing group for recruiters and sourcers to share and learn. No job postings please. They will be deleted.

Members: 4988

Admins: Ryan Leary, Partner/VP of RecruitingBlogs, Noel Cocca, CEO of RecruitingBlogs, Matt Charney, Executive Editor of RecruitingDaily

Why you should join: Discussions are mostly of recruiters’ asking questions and getting advice with a bit of fun sprinkled in – what else would you expect from the RecruitingBlogs gang?

Join here: link.

3. HR Open Source #HROS

Description: HR Open Source (#HROS) is an initiative launched by Hootsuite’s Ambrosia Vertesi and Amplify Talent’s Lars Schmidt designed to bring an open source approach to HR and recruiting.

The intent of #HROS is to make it easier for practitioners to access the resources, tips, tools, and tricks they need to succeed in today’s world of work while hiring and developing the top talent of tomorrow.

#HROS is committed to showcasing detailed case studies, resources, and success stories dedicated to informing, educating and inspiring the work of real HR and recruiting professionals.

Members: 3758

Admins: Ambrosia Vertesi, VP of People at Duo Security, Lars Schmidt, Founder of Amplify Talent, plus 5 others

Why you should join: Although not focused on recruiting specifically, discussions are a good mix of recruiter and HR questions, links to case studies, and industry news.

Join here: link.

4. Talent Product Plays

Description: Members must be involved in Recruiting, Sourcing, Interviewing, Hiring, HR, Recruitment Marketing, Recruiting Social Media, Career Consulting or work for a company that does this stuff. This is NOT a place to advertise your company or post your jobs.

Members: 764

Admins: Martin Burns, Strategy Consulting Leader at HireClix, George LaRoque, Founder of LaRoque and #HRWINS

Description: This is a spot where talent product types share ideas, kvetch, find job/ hiring leads, hatch plans to conquer the world.

Group DNA – product makers, sellers, marketers, and analysts. A sprinkling of users, the types who grok products. Smart practitioners.

Why you should join: Martin and George do a great job keeping on top of industry news and questions tend to be vendor/solution-focused.

Join here: link.

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Author: Ji-A Min

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