We’ve had our favorite bosses to memory and we’ve had those not so favorite bosses to memory, so what differentiates the two? It’s important to discuss the role of management as they have a direct impact on employees. Actually, 94% of employees who consider themselves to have a great boss feel passionate about their jobs. That’s nearly 2x as many as those who say they work for a bad boss.
So what’s the issue with “poor leadership?” It drives away employees. 70% of employees (7+ on a 10 point scale) are happy with their management – BUT nearly 2 in 3 have, or plan to, quit because of their boss. In fact, 77% of those planning to quit their job within the next year say it’s due to a bad boss, while 18% say they had great managers.
So let’s define both a good and a bad boss from an employee’s perspective. Employees consider their greatest managers to be leaders: honest, trustworthy, respectful, supportive, and communicative. On the flip side, employees describe their worst managers are self-absorbed: selfish, lazy, rude, arrogant, and untrustworthy.
In this, it is important to be a leader, not a manager. The art of management is a foundational skill to becoming an effective leader; however, leadership requires its own set of skills. Something to remember is that 58% of workers would choose a great boss over a higher salary.
Building a strong team to surround yourself with is a great step toward being a better boss. Consider becoming a generalist, someone who hires better skilled professionals than yourself to complete tasks. This could help in a wide-range of areas.
Overall, learning to become a leader comes with learning yourself. The infographic below will explain reasons good managers do not micromanage, but instead empower their employees, learning from their mistakes, and frequently share the credit.
Infographic source: Online PhD Degrees
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