The Importance of Employee Training and Visual Communication in 2021

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The pandemic has highlighted the importance of employee training and visual communication across a variety of industries.

Teams are working remotely, unable to walk over to colleagues’ desks for a quick clarification. At the same time, companies have had to use new tools to communicate effectively.

New employees are also joining companies remotely, making the onboarding process more complicated.

Here’s why companies need to invest in visuals for their employee training and development in 2021.

Visuals Improve Training Retention

When beginning a training program, what would be easier for trainers and employees to understand? A large block of text or a simple flow chart like the one below?

The Importance of Employee Training and Visual Communication in 2021

Source: Venngage

Visuals are easier to absorb for trainees, thus boosting the effectiveness and importance of employee training.

A block of text takes longer to read and retain, but visuals work on a variety of areas in the human brain that helps trainees remember and understand the information better.

Visuals also make for an effective job aid that employees can refer to throughout their work. Every time an employee needs to jog their memory, they have a visual to look at.

Boosts Employee Productivity and Workflow

Managing teams remotely can impact productivity and workflow, sometimes in negative ways, which is why the importance of training and development cannot be discounted.

Strong visuals in training materials improve engagement in employees—thus increasing their ability to retain what they have learned.

Additionally, charts and graphs make it easier to understand data and connections—better comprehension boosts productivity.

Visuals like flow charts can also help the workflow of a company. A graphic like the one below explains the steps an employee has to follow in the case of a negative review.

The Importance of Employee Training and Visual Communication in 2021

Source: Venngage

For a new employee encountering a bad review for the first time, a chart would be an excellent visual aid to help their workflow and efficiency.

Develops Better Internal Structure

Another reason for the importance of training is how the process helps companies develop a better internal structure.

For one, training means that employees have the agency to govern themselves—they know how processes work and what their responsibilities and next steps should be.

This is a great time management system—employees don’t have to keep checking in with managers to complete their tasks. They will have the training to work on their own.

Consistent training also makes it possible for companies to promote their employees instead of looking to fill positions from external sources.

If new skills are required for the company’s growth, employees can be trained for them. Since they already know the workings of the business, this new training will add to their existing skills.

Instead of hiring someone for their skills and then training them in the ways of the organization, HR managers can do the opposite and save themselves much time and energy.

Makes Tracking Employees Easier

The importance of training in the workplace is intrinsically tied to employee performance tracking. Visuals are particularly necessary for this aspect of the training process.

Companies need to track the programs employees are taking—what gaps exist in their skills and what programs are needed to fill them?

It’s also necessary to see who has shown steady progress, not just in the programs, but also in their jobs.

A visual report can make tracking employees’ successes and growth much easier—for managers and trainees.

Training programs can also help with goal-setting for employees and the business. The more an employee trains, the more regularly their goals can be scaled up.

Accordingly, a business can set its quarterly goals and boost its growth strategy.

Improves Customer Experience

The importance of employee training not only lies in boosting employee performance and reaching company goals but also to improve customer satisfaction.

Better and more consistent training means employees are up-to-date with the latest customer trends and needs.

Trained employees can make customers feel more comfortable and connected to the brand.

Not only does training improve how employees work, but it also increases customer retention, both of which have positive effects on a company.

Conclusion: Visuals are Key to the Importance of Employee Training

Visual communication is integral to company growth. With remote work being the norm, visuals are also tied to the importance of employee training.

They help improve training retention, boost productivity, develop better organizational structures, make tracking easier, and improve customer retention.

For companies creating training materials in 2021, adding visuals will be a key component of their programs.

There is no more important time than right now to use visual communication for employee training.

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Author: Ronita Mohan

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