” Management is doing things right: Leadership is doing the right things” .
Treading the path of a visionary leader may appear as an uphill task for emerging leaders, but it is not an insurmountable goal.
Beginning from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies, company founders take a deep dive to research for the best corporate leaders to chair their organization as CEO, COO, CFO and VP.
There is a greater responsibility on emerging young intellectuals to gain and learn about leadership essentials apart from having a well-qualified education and impressive service record.
Other Quotes on Leadership:
“The only safe ship in a storm is leadership“ -Faye Wattleton-
“Management is about arranging and telling.
Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing” – Tom Peters –
The core investment in learning is proposed to be in the following spheres:
1. Focused, yet Empowering the Staff for Increased Productivity
A good leader heading his / her staff and senior management is direct, progressive, positive and stands inspirational. Implements tools, resources, guides, innovative working models, increment strategies and performance metrics to boost the inherent talents to improve staff productivity.
Sets a framework to mentor, organize and encourages smart work followers and expands capabilities to produce quality output.
2. Standing to the Commitments and Targets
The finance budget and sales volumes are enormously designed every quarter which will enable a leader lay trust, faith and confidence among various workers who are transferred organizational strength and courage-to-do and achieve greatly valued achievements.
A good leader is always saying “yes” to the commitments experiencing the gigantic power of leadership and transfers the profitable results periodically.
3. Never Saying ‘No’ to the Line of Improvement
Leaders who admire, judge, inspire, motivate, strengthen and encourage others are always pursuing the challenge of improvement. Constant, consistent and practicing learner will always be in search of finding a new perspective and measure the hidden principles to apply in work culture.
Leadership in corporate environment is praiseworthy and it is always on-going in demand. Effective leaders rise in their career and the corporate world watches them to follow. Trailing as an efficient leader makes one more popular and earns glorious respect.
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