These Internet Marketing Secret Weapons Will Help You Get More Sales Online

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June 12, 2015


Even for seasoned marketers, converting their website traffic into paying customers can be quite a challenge.

Sure. The process may be simple. But it sure isn’t easy.

While there are a plethora of things that can cause your website visitors to simply exit your website without buying anything from you (even after consuming your content), there are also ways to make them buy from you even if it isn’t originally their intention to do so.

Of course, we’re going to talk about the latter.

Excited? You should be.

While these methods have already been used by other marketers, they are by no means overused. Simply because the effort and the risk that goes with using these methods aren’t quite of the ordinary.

However, if there’s one thing that I can promise you, it would be that these strategies are proven and tested to work. If you’ll just take the time to re-engineer them to fit your business’ dynamics, you’ll surely get good (to great) results one way or the other.

Let’s jump right in.

1) Add a “University” section on your site.

The first time I saw this strategy was from Neil Patel’s website. Here’s how their University page looks.

Amazing isn’t it?

If you’re looking to learn about internet marketing, you’ll without a doubt find this place to be your internet marketing haven. There’s just loads of things that you can learn from on this page alone.

Of course, when your website has something very similar to Neil’s university page, your website will also become the go to place of your target audience.

At this point, you’ll be able to establish your brand as an authority in the industry, be able to pitch them your services strategically, and build a strong relationship with them; all of which are key elements to converting your website visitors into buying customers.

Here are a couple of things you can add on your University page:

  1. Case studies
  2. In depth how-to-guides
  3. In depth video tutorials
  4. White papers
  5. Interviews

2) Answer questions

There are several ways to go about using this strategy. You can either go to websites like, go to forums, or setup a google alert so you can go to the specific platform that your target audience are asking their questions about your industry.

Using this strategy is so effective because answering other people’s questions will help establish your image as an expert in your industry – all while raking in more customers for your business.

Here are some of the most critical points that you need to remember when answering other people’s questions.

  1. Leave a clear call-to-action at the end of your answer. Ask the users to contact you should they need your help.
  2. Link to your website as much as possible.
  3. Leave your signature whenever you can.
  4. Write a comprehensive answer to their questions. The point is to add as much value as you can.

3) Get influencers to talk about you.

What do you think will happen if personalities like Neil Patel or Pat Flynn will give a positive feedback about your brand to their audience?

There’s just one word that came to my mind – sales – and lots of it!

Such is the power of influencer marketing. If used correctly, not only will you get massive exposure from the influencer’s audience, but you’ll get tons of sales from the get-go (among many others).

It’s no surprise that businesses are now using influencer marketing campaigns as one of their main marketing methods. It flat out works. And its results are quite epic!

If you’re looking to learn more about proven and tested strategies on how to make your influencer marketing campaigns a success, you can check out my post about, “3 Influencer Marketing Tips That You Need to Start Using RIGHT NOW!”

4) Make your contact info visible.

If your web visitors are keen on contacting you to inquire about your services, make sure that your contact info is readily available.

Make it easy for them to contact you.

You’ll be shocked at how other businesses don’t have a “contact us” page; or if they do, the page is hidden. It just doesn’t make any sense.

More than just making your contact page visible, I suggest that you take it a step further by making sure that your contact details are visible on all of your website’s pages.

This website is a classic example of what it means to make your contact details visible. Regardless of which page you go to, you’ll find their address, phone number, and even fax number on their side bar. Doing so makes it very convenient for your readers to contact you should they want. Trust me, you’ll be surprised at how your web visitors appreciate you doing this for them. Nothing can be more annoying to them than not being able to contact you when they’re 100% eager to buy your product.

5) Use a company mascot.

You’ll be amazed at what a mascot can do. 🙂

A lot of influencers talk about how you need to differentiate your business from your competitors. They’ve also been sharing tip and tricks to make your brand as “sticky” as it can be to your audience.

What better way to do that than to use a mascot, right?

Mascots are unique, they’re catchy, they’re good brand ambassadors, and of course, they do such an amazing job at making your brand as “sticky” as it can be to your audience.

In just a weeks time, there’s a chance that your audience may have forgotten your company name; but your mascot? I doubt it.

It doesn’t stop there.

There are TONS of other benefits that mascot’s can bring to your business. They can also help amplify emotional connections between your brand and your audience, and help you with improving your brand awareness (among many others).


If you aren’t quite sure about which internet marketing methods you’ll use to help you get more sales online, then this guide will give you a good head-start.

Just remember that while most of the tips I shared are quite challenging to implement, they are totally worth it. I’ve experienced it’s results first hand after using them on my client’s websites.

If there are ideas that you’d like to share, or questions that you’d like to ask, you can contact me using this form. Cheers!

Photo courtesy – © Sergey Nivens / Dollar Photo Club

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