Keep your Accreditations up to date
Leverage your Network to find Openings
Leverage your Experience for Success
Finding a new Executive Role
Although you may feel the odds are stacked against you when looking for a new role when you have one eye on retirement, the fact is that you have a lot to bring to the table. The secret in finding a new role when you’re years are fewer in front of you than behind you, is to show how you can make your experience count.
Here are a few tips to point you in the right direction.
Bring your Marketing Documents up to Speed
Your experience and know-how should be clear on your executive CV and LinkedIn profile. This should take the form of achievements. Although technology may have revolutionised since your first day at work, your drive, ambition, and a need to see a project through to completion would have been constant throughout your career, and this should leap off the page at your potential new employer. You want to ensure that you’re judged on your capabilities and not your age.
Identify your Value Proposition
Your value proposition is identifying what skills you bring to the table, and then using this knowledge to show how you solve a business problem. We wrote it a blog about it at the end of December 2014 and it is still valid today. You can read it by clicking this link: Define your value proposition and become the must have candidate.
Make that Experience Count
Experience should be shown on your CV and LinkedIn profile not by an endless list of past positions, but what you gained from working in each one. This can be a little tricky to pull off, as not too many employers will want work experience from twenty years ago. Instead, you should try and demonstrate your experience through incorporating it into your achievements. This will show potential new employers that you are more than capable of taking on a fresh challenge.
A few blogs of this nature often talk about how you need to be up to speed on technology. The bottom line is that providing you know your way around a PC and a smartphone, you’re in good shape. Presumably, you can so let’s leave it at that.
Leverage your Network
Often, excellent positions can be found by leveraging your existing network of contacts. Pick up the phone and make a few calls or send a few emails. You never know what positions could be available until you do. Speak to any recruiter or headhunter and they will tell you the best openings are never advertised. So speak to your network and see if an opportunity exists for you.
And Don’t Forget LinkedIn
LinkedIn is where a lot of the better jobs are posted and it is regularly used by headhunters and recruiters to find talent. The more active you are on LinkedIn, the more likely you are to be noticed. So as well as ensuring your profile is selling your skills and experience in the job market, ensure you are posting in groups, posting your executive brand blogs, and trying to forge connections with people who can benefit your career.
Maintain Accreditations
Keep your accreditations up to date and stay informed of industry developments. The former is essential and the latter is bound to come up once you reach the interview stage. Remember, once at interview let your experience, along with your vitality shine.
Mentor EU Executive Job Search Services
If you are having trouble landing a role, then our services have been designed to help you secure an executive position. We can help you bring your achievements to life on your CV and LinkedIn profile, and demonstrate your value proposition on your personal executive brand. When all three are utilised to their potential, you will start to see traction in the job market. Click here to begin the process and schedule your free consultation.
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