ECommerce continues to grow. It brings in billions of dollars worldwide every year. There are so many available eCommerce platforms offering different tools. It can all seem overwhelming, especially for the newer business.
We’re going to show you five of the best tools eCommerce businesses can benefit from. Keep reading to find out more.
Circle Commerce is known mainly for its comprehensive order management software. What we like about this software is that it targets every major sales channel. As they helpfully point out on their website using a diagram in the form of a lollypop, they have modules to support processes like:
- Customer service management
- Forecasting and purchasing
- Accounting
- Shipping
- Point of sale retail
They also offer a helpful customer service team that every new customer is assigned to. It’s a major benefit of using this platform because you’re never left out on your own.
If you regularly operate on eBay, Big Commerce is a fantastic option. It’s useful for more than just the established business. Many new businesses are using it while they find their feet on eBay.
It helps you to setup your brand new eBay store. Purchase this eCommerce tool and you can get help with designing your store and establishing the SEO side of it. It’s easy to use because it also comes with an eBay listing template.
We highly recommend this for eBay power sellers in the making.
Intuit eCommerce is a point and click interface for businesses designing their online stores for the first time. It prides itself on being able to combine the major features you’re going to need to operate online. From Intuit, you’ll be able to:
- Get a domain name.
- Use the SimpleStore eCommerce platform.
- Operate a point and click site builder.
- Accept online payments through the Intuit merchant accounting system.
Businesses will be able to move beyond offering the PayPal payment option, which can provide a real advantage for smaller companies.
Analytics is a crucial part of running any business. What Shopify allows you to do is to design your platform and react to changes in your market and your web traffic. It automatically integrates with Google Analytics. You can track customer purchases and shopping cart transactions using Google’s well-known platform.
There are other features that come with Shopify, but we added it to this list for its superior approach to customer and purchasing analytics.
Selling on Amazon and eBay is a time-consuming process. The vast majority of sellers report the biggest time sink is in uploading products. Listing products, especially if you’re selling the same things over multiple platforms, can easily eat up hours of your time.
Vendio can save you time by enabling you to create a listing and then upload it to multiple platforms automatically. It works with Amazon, Facebook, eBay, and custom online web stores. While this can turn into a complex matter, a central platform allows you to keep track of your inventory and sales.
ECommerce Tools to Fit Your Needs
We’ve given you five eCommerce tools that all target different areas. There’s some crossover, but for the most part each platform offers something fresh and unique. The best businesses will always combine eCommerce tools to both improve efficiency and open up new marketing possibilities for their company.
Try each of them. While most of them charge a fee, they nearly always offer some form of free trial. Alternatively, many of them provide money-back guarantees if you’re not fully satisfied.
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