You’re probably asking yourself “What is a ‘Tweet Archive’?” or you might be thinking about the Library of Congress indexing tweets, but that’s not quite what I mean. A tweet archive is what we can create for ourselves in order to make managing our Twitter accounts much easier and, even, more organized. How can we do that? Let’s take a look.
What Is A Tweet Archive And What Does It Do?
A tweet archive is also called a Twitter Library or Tweet Library, if you’ve heard of that phrase. It’s essentially pre-made tweets in a list or file that you can copy and paste into Twitter without having to type it all out. These can especially come in handy if you want to re-use tweets you’ve used before, if you participate in Twitter trends such as #FF or #FollowFriday, or if you just like to give a shout out to the same people a lot. Whatever you use it for, it can definitely save you time while still allowing you to create your own tweets versus retweeting someone else’s.
Using A Tweet Archive To Save Time
Imagine you have tips that you like to tweet out at various times on various days. They come in handy because people always like to read them and you get a decent amount of engagement (retweets, favorites, and comments) from them. You have them memorized and so you tediously type them out randomly throughout your week.. but what if you had a list of those tips handy and ready to copy and paste? Even better, what if you had the ability to have those tweets go out at specific times, knowing you get more attention and engagement during those days and times? You certainly can and that’s just what a tweet archive can do for you.
Let me explain.
With a mixture of social media tools, your smarts, and some great content, you can create a scenario where the tweets are going out at just the right times and you can respond to engagement in real time without having to sit at your computer for minutes or hours at a time. After an initial time investment and some small amounts of maintenance, you can use a tweet archive to fill your Twitter feed with great, “evergreen” or timeless content that will earn engagement and help you build your account.
How Do I Use A Tweet Archive?
First things first, you’ll need to create a tweet archive to use. This is probably the most time intensive step, but also part of the most fun (aside from answering the people that retweet and talk to you on Twitter!). Think of your industry and the types of content you’ll want to fill your tweet archive (or Twitter library, or tweet library) up with. You’ll need to go out on the internet and search for the content you want to share, or else start typing up the tips you want to use on your Twitter feed. Right now, just use a text file or word document to collect the tweets you plan to use and in our next article, Starting a Tweet Archive, I’ll cover how to put them to good use!
What I do to make it easy, is to put these in a format like this:
- Don’t forget I’m on Facebook, too!
- Need some #Twitter tips for your business? Find 50 ready-to-tweet tips in my article: #Mktg
- #PinterestTip: Be sure your pins all link to exactly where they’re supposed to (click on them!), and edit the description to make it more interesting!
As you can see, these are easy, pre-made tweets ready to use. While typing out yours, be sure you check how many characters are in your tweet! It would be really disappointing to find that half of your tweet archive is useless or needs modification when it’s time to use them!
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