Twitter Google Search – What It Means For You

March 5, 2015

Twitter Google Search

Early last month a deal was made to bring back Twitter Google search. Google will now have access to the Twitter “firehose” which will result in more tweets being found in Google search.

These two had an agreement between 2009 and 2011 where Google had similar access.

Twitter Google Search

If you’re an individual or business and benefit from being searched it’s time to start tweeting. This gives you another route to be found. With this deal your tweets can show in up Google search in real-time. That’s big.

While Google already crawls Twitter, having access to the Twitter “firehose” makes it easier for Google to get tweets seen in their search. A lot more tweets. Of course, this means that non-twitter users will see tweets in Google search. This is really good for Twitter, good for Google, and good for your business if you’re tweeting.

Twitter has a similar deal with Bing and Yahoo already.

What you should do so your tweets show up in Google search

If you’re not already on Twitter and tweeting consistently it’s something you should seriously consider adding to your marketing arsenal. If you’re a business you want to be found in search. Well this gives you another route to be found. If you’re not tweeting you will be missing a strong opportunity to be discovered, something at least one of your competitors will likely be doing.

The chances of your tweets showing up in Google search will dramatically increase if you’re active and consistent. This has been a challenge for many individuals and businesses. Tweeting should be like brushing your teeth if you want to show up in search. Do it daily, or have someone do it for you daily.

5 Quick Twitter Tips:

1) Be Consistent – Post 6-8 tweets daily at minimum, every day, throughout the day and evening
2) Include valuable content in your tweets consistently
3) Use Images – visual works
4) Use Video – Twitter native video was recently unveiled
5) Use some level of care when tweeting – Your tweet could end up in Google search

This is expected to start in the coming months, so get tweeting today. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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