Using Your Blog To Improve Page Ranking

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March 24, 2015

SEO and page ranking are tough little cookies to figure out. Why is it so difficult? Well because it’s always changing. Thanks to Google’s love for changing it’s page ranking algorithm, marketers and businesses now have to figure out new strategies to improve their SEO to fit into the guidelines of what Google is looking for.

Thankfully, there is a great way to improve your SEO and page ranking for your website, and you might have already been using this tool. That little tool is your blog.

Now you probably think of a blog and think, ok, how the heck can a bunch of articles on my site help my page ranking? When you think of page ranking, you have to understand what makes Google ‘happy.’ Happiness for Google comes in the shape of anything that provides relevant, trustworthy information. Google wants to provide its users with exactly what they are looking for and weed out the weak, misleading information.

Having a GOOD blog will add credibility to your website, and Google will see that. Here’s a short list on how a well-designed blog facilities best SEO practices.

  1. The more content you create on your blog, the more content you’re providing Google with to index when users are searching. More content simply means you have a better chance of showing up in front of the user that is doing a search online.
  2. When you create a blog, you should typically be following simple rules, like tagging, and linking to other credible articles. By doing this, Google will notice it and improve your page ranking. Google loves authority sites, or trustworthy sites like CNN or BBC websites. If you’re able to link to these pages with relevance to your blog posts, it should help with your page ranking.
  3. If you’re active on a blog, then you should be active on social media. And by simply sharing your blog posts on social media (this also helps with drawing qualified traffic) you’re improving your relevance. And once again, Google is happy when your content is relevant to what the user is looking for.

Now obviously this a big decision. If you’re not already working on a blog, then there’s a few things to consider before jumping in head first. A blog isn’t a side project. It’s something that’s going to be a big part of the overall picture when it comes to your website. If right now you are thinking, oh, I will just post a few articles here and there when I get a chance, save yourself the time and don’t even start.

You’re going to need someone who is responsible to get your blog posts created and posted on time. You will need some type of schedule. If your blog begins getting a lot of followers, they will pay attention to when your posts come out. If you don’t stick to that schedule, it could turn them away.

So make sure you are putting time aside or assigning someone to your blog efforts. And also, don’t think by creating an effective blog that you’re going to launch yourself to the top of Google’s page ranking. This isn’t going to solve you SEO strategy, but if done properly, it will get you headed in the right direction.

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