Viral Marketing Ideas – So Exactly What Is Viral Marketing.

forwarded around. My most popular post got a little over 14000 views. Trust me I wont be able to get that many clicks even if I mailed my own database. This is viral.

Second top video, 11600 views. Now its very obvious that I have been doing viral video marketing. And I have been trying my hand at incentivized social media. And I have done some of the other viral marketing; tips that are in the report of you need to know. The third system you are going to see me use very soon is Stats Based Press Releases. And what are those, I will explain them right below this video. So to sum it up, viral marketing is very cool. But it is not its own traffic generation technique. Its something that you can use in any of your other marketing methods.” target=”_blank”>Anik Singal is an entrepreneur, expert at using various affiliate marketing strategies to drive highly targeted traffic on websites. He developed and mastered many of the advanced level courses on viral marketing which are currently being used by hundreds of thousands marketers today!
