Web Marketing is one of the hottest commodities to hit the world wide web. With internet businesses starting to take off, the need for identity is majorly important, especially if you already have mega competition like Wal-Mart, Amazon.com, eBay, etc. If you are a small business looking to start from the ground up, you may be on a financial budget. Maybe you aren’t, but the majority of internet business owners will be and many web marketers are looking for minimum prices of $ 500.00-$ 5000.00 to promote and educate you on your business.
If any of the previous may be of concern to you, there is a new web marketing company called Viral Promotions, otherwise known as ViPro, that actually does pretty efficient marketing starting at just $ 5.55. Yes, that is correct, five dollars and fifty-five cents! Depending on what your company will need for exposure, ViPro should meet your needs. Their marketing techniques include social media marketing, which is VERY popular, using Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, just to name a few. With the social media marketing, they will promote your site in 5 and 10 hour “slots”, breaking those slots down into 30 minute increments. For example, if a company requests slot A, which is from 9AM EST to 2PM EST, the company will be promoted at 9:00am, 9:30am, 10:00am, etc. This is so the social media community will not be “over-exposed” to the company and begin to antagonize it.
Viral Promo will also write an article for your company, complimenting your features, products, and services to 4 different article-publishing websites that they have an account with. They will include back-links that will carry customers to your website from the article itself, post links on their websites and blogs, send mass e-mails to target consumers, and more! Mind you, all of this for under $ 30.00! You MUST have a Paypal account in order to purchase their services, but if you don’t have one, its easy, free, and very useful when doing online transactions. Just click here.
Therefore, if you are a small business, home business, or just want to get your name out there on the world wide web, but don’t have the finance to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on web marketing companies that make you feel as if you are over-paying, then visit Viral Promotions at http://www.viralpromotions.com.
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