Ways to Plan Employee Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Infographic]

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The COVID-19 Pandemic is a World Health Emergency of a kind that the world hasn’t seen in almost a century. A dangerous and often lethal virus that spreads rapidly – through the rich and the poor, through the different races of the world, not restricting itself to any country or climate, COVID-19 has brought even the superpowers of the world to their knees. The healthcare systems of both the developed and the developing countries have been devastated and most countries have been forced to put in drastic lock-down measures on the everyday lives of its people.

In the middle of such a crisis, most companies have been forced to set up work-from-home measures for their employees, in order to ensure the safety of their workforce but still manage to pull themselves through the unstable economic environment.

Things to Keep in Mind While Facilitating the Practice of Employee Engagement

Ways to Plan Employee Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Infographic]

Working remotely from home, not being able to go out of the house, the constant in-flow of how the pandemic is spreading, severely limited social contact – all of this gets the better of us at some point or the other, no matter our background, personality or preferences. Therefore, planning Employee Engagement during the COVID 19 pandemic is very important. Employee Experience Management Platform exists precisely to make such communication possible.

Employee Engagement Software are beneficial in these kinds of situations. It is psychologically attractive to be asked questions – whether one is asked to grade a particular experience or select options. These activities help in collating data about how exactly do the minds of the employees work and make it easier for employers to keep their employees motivated and active. Employee Engagement Software ensures that employees feel a connection to the company and their peers, warding off the negative effects of working in solitude.

Mental Health: The first thing that a company must do to ensure employee engagement is to do an assessment of the psychological condition of an employee, considering a drastic change of pace in daily life and the rampant spread of a dangerous disease are both issues that are serious enough to affect every human being, irrespective of pre-existing conditions. Enthusiasm for an inquiry into an aspect of personal well-being like mental health can foster deeper bonds of loyalty and care among-st the employees. Employee Engagement Survey can help in making surveys that companies can use to get a comprehensive idea of an employee’s mental health condition.

Creativity: Now that the long-established ways of working have been put on hold for the time being, companies must find creative ways of getting work done that can rope in the entirety of the work culture – from team-building exercises to theme dress-codes, from company dinners to festival celebrations. One of the major aspects of a lock-down like this, during a pandemic, can be the helplessness of feeling pushed to a corner while something ominous is lurking all over. Creative ways of office engagement can succeed in providing a semblance of normalcy for the employees. Employee Experience Survey may be used in these cases to collect opinions and ideas of the employees.

Flexibility: During a major crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, making one’s employees feel supported can go a long way, considering they are the backbone of an already vulnerable economy. Being inside 24*7 has greatly changed the concept of ‘working hours’ and employees often struggle to cope with that kind of change, especially when family obligations come into play, more often than not for working women. Such unsure times demand a certain degree of flexibility from employers, not only because these are unprecedented and unpredictable working conditions that we are living in but also because of humane compassion. So, surveys conducted through employee engagement software play important roles in these times.

Socializing: Human beings are social animals. Therefore, when the ability to be social is snatched away from them, a dip in performance and general well-being is to be expected. So, it is important to keep in mind an employee’s social needs too, while optimizing them to focus on the company’s professional engagements. Virtual communities for casual interaction, Mentee-Mentor setups, etc., though not directly related to work, can really help employees feel connected even as they work remotely, thus encouraging overall well-being and positivity – so important for professional performance. Questionnaires and surveys through employee experience survey software can be really helpful when forming such a care environment.


Employee Engagement Platforms can really shape the kind of work culture that will be prevalent in work-spaces from now on, in the middle of the Pandemic as well as when the world is recovering from it to analyze how to make a better and more fruitful working environment during such crisis situations.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Chanakya Kyatham

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