A Business2Community.com article states most B2B marketers struggle with defining their social media marketing goals.
“For instance, should you focus on the number of blog posts per week and tweets per day? How about the number of fans and followers? Maybe retweets, brand mentions, and social reach? Or what about website traffic, clicks, and leads coming from social? Setting social goals can be confusing,” the article said.
But for all its setup, social media can still provide businesses with an edge in terms of acquiring high quality leads. B2B enterprises can still source a potential customer from their social traffic – if they already know their way around. What gets in their way in attaining positive lead generation and conversion results is a lack of an efficient strategy, which is preceded by a lack of clear and consistent goals.
A journey ends up nowhere without a clear objective. Here are some ways you can narrow down your goals and focus your resources on the things that do matter to the organization.
Use the CARE model. SmartInsights.com reveals an efficient model for content marketers to use in if they desire to increase the efficiency of their digital campaigns. Using the CARE model, marketers need to highlight four things:
Content – Determine the type of content to be delivered to one’s constituency and the corresponding ways to deliver it to its intended audience.
Audience – This pertains to the people who are targeted for a particular product. Identifying their needs through effective market research is vital for crafting the right message that will get them to engage.
Relevance – What are the trends prevailing in the market at the moment? For sure, buyers want to know about solutions that coincide with present situations and will decline anything that is outdated and unrelated to current demands.
Evaluation – Perhaps the part where many marketers struggle profoundly. But they can always get through the difficulty by setting up important KPIs that identifies top performing blog posts and content forms as well as the number of unique visits per device.
Focus on engagements. Make sure that you create shareable content. Blog articles and infographics with viral potential are worth retweeting and are essential for building an audienceship.
Aim for competency. The most important goal to pursue is to provide satisfaction to existing and potential customers. Creating social campaigns that places the buyer at the top is perhaps the greatest goal to achieve because of the benefits that come along with it: increased revenue, better reputation and an efficient marketing infrastructure.
Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community(32)
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