When Did Social Media Marketing Become “Un-Social”?

Hi, Welcome

— January 25, 2018

Earlier this week, the Twin Cities experienced the biggest winter storm we’ve seen in five years. 10+ inches of snow fell in many parts of the cities, crippling roadways and commuters.

As a result, Minneapolis Public Schools and St. Paul Public Schools canceled school for the day on Tuesday.

And, as you can imagine, social media was a big part of how these two districts got the word out about the cancellations. Fairly standard–and a good use of the tools. Here was MPS’ announcement Monday evening.

If you look through the comment thread you’ll notice something interesting–but sadly, not all that surprising.

Not a single response from the MPS team.

Go check out the SPPS post and you see the same thing. Not a single response.

Now, I’m not saying this to throw MPS or SPPS under the proverbial bus. Plenty of other companies take this same approach.

Take, Monsanto, for example. Just take a peek at this Facebook post from earlier this month.

Again, not a single response. Now, there are a ton of politicized comments on this post, but still–not a single response?

When did social media marketing become un-social?

Because, increasingly, that’s what I’m seeing. Social media isn’t “social media” anymore–it’s push media. Or, really, to be more direct: MEDIA.

There’s nothing “social” about what we see many days with brands online.

And, that’s sad.

From where we started back in 2008 or so to now–it’s sad.

But, that’s the reality of where we’re at right now. These case studies are not isolated incidents.

And, sadly, it’s even more prevalent among non-profits and public institutions, where the opportunity to engage with audiences is even MORE important!

When it comes to public institutions and non-profits, I know what the comeback is going to be: They don’t have the resources. They don’t have the people.

I understand that. I really do. But, my argument back would then be: You don’t have to take it on. You really don’t. Contrary to what the “experts” might tell you, organizations don’t HAVE to be on social media. Especially resource-starved ones.

I mean, isn’t engagement one of the key reasons (if not THE key reason) most brands use social media tools in the first place?

I guess today I just needed to vent a bit. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.

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