Why Back-up and Recovery Solutions Matter

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— April 5, 2018

Why Back-up and Recovery Solutions Matter

As an owner of a company, you can never be too sure if things would go wrong.

As we all know from Murphy’s Law, “anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Natural disasters, virus attacks and many other events that can bring your business down for the count are all there to stunt your growth no matter how far you have already been. And what’s even more daunting is that we cannot keep bad things from happening – like ever. And while you can always repair damaged equipment and facilities, you can never recover lost data when you have to. The least you can do is hope that nothing bad ever happens to your business.

But we are not here to tell you to stack up on some cans of sardines and sacrifice a lamb in the name of good fortune. Do you know that there’s an even easier and less bloody way?

To protect your business’ gains from the inevitable and, uh, evitable, you can always invest in back-up and recovery solutions. For all we know, they can be your best bet in recovering lost data and guarantee that it will be business as usual in no time.

Still, there are some skeptical decision-makers out there who are still reluctant to purchase a back-up and recovery system. If anything, they are missing out on a lot of benefits when it comes to encountering critical circumstances like:

Hardware failure.

Computers can fry up the least you expect it. And it entails huge losses on your part if ever your servers experience a massive meltdown. Still, you can always save your data using a back-up system which stores them in an archive far from the effects of hardware issues and downtimes. Consequently, you will be able to access data from a back-up server while you repair and upgrade your hardware systems. It saves you time and, of course, a lot of money as the business continues to thrive.

Unpredictable circumstances.

As much as we try to deny it, nature really has ways to bring a business down. Earthquakes and other natural calamities can disrupt business operations and entail huge costs on your part. Aside from damage to important facilities, you also have to face the inevitable issue of lost data. Fortunately, there are companies that offer recovery solutions to this end.

Rectify human errors.

Of course, there are also man-made factors that may cause you to lose data. Human errors can cause your company a lot of money if you don’t take preemptive measures to address such scenarios. You can never be too sure if someone will do something that can put your operations in jeopardy.

Here are more statistics to consider in terms of security and stability of your company’s critical data:

  • In the past two years, Over 50 percent of businesses experienced an unforeseen interruption, and the vast majority (81%) of these interruptions caused the business to be closed one or more days.
  • 80 percent of businesses suffering a major disaster go out of business in three years, while 40 percent of businesses that experience a critical IT failure go out of business within one year. In the case of suffering a fire, 44 percent of enterprises fail to reopen and 33 percent of these failed to survive beyond 3 years.
  • Companies are still failing to put strategic contingency plans in place. Analysts from Hughes Marketing Group have found that over the course of a month, 90 percent of small companies (fewer than 100 employees) spend less than 8 hours planning or managing their business continuity plans.
  • Vendors offering disaster recovery solutions have stated that between 60 and 70 percent of all problems that disrupt business are due to internal malfunctions of hardware or software, or human errors that may lead to fraud.
  • According to Timesavers International studies, the catastrophe most businesses experience is not fire, flood or earthquake, but rather something much more insidious—malware.
  • In 2008,the United States was the top country for overall malicious activity, making up 23 percent of the total.
  • 93% of companies that lost their data center for 10 days or more due to a disaster filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster.
  • Companies that aren’t able to resume operations within ten days (of a disaster hit) are not likely to survive.
  • Every week 140,000 hard drives crash in the United States.
  • 31% of PC users have lost all of their files due to events beyond their control.
  • 34% of companies fail to test their tape backups, and of those that do, 77% have found tape backup failures.

Source: www.itispivotal.com

If you happen to be a company that offers back-up software solutions, you’re in luck! Time to forget about marketing and focus on improving your software solution. We have everything there is to highlight your products most important features!

This is originally posted at The Savvy Marketer.

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Author: Judy Caroll

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