Since the start of the internet boom, people have been looking for ways to use it to their advantage, and businesses are no exception to this. The rise of eCommerce is a perfect example of this- the internet opened up a brand-new avenue for struggling businesses to find new customers. This changed the retail landscape forever. Now people buy even everyday things online, like diapers and paper towels.
Even before the internet there were subscription boxes, usually in the form of a fruit of the month club or something else specialty food related. Retailers have now replicated that model over and over in the internet age to come up with every kind of subscription box imaginable. Want to try new treats and toys for your canine companion? There’s Barkbox for that. Want to be that Perfect Pinterest Mom without all the effort? Check out Kiwi Crate for new arts and crafts projects to do with your kids delivered to your door. You can even rent clothing and jewelry instead of constantly buying new stuff and clogging up your closet.
Subscription boxes are a great business model because of their versatility. You can start a subscription box for just about any kind of product. Subscription boxes are a great marketing tool for today’s busy lifestyle where people don’t have much free time to browse the mall for the latest and greatest stuff. It’s also fun for customers to get something other than bills and junk mail in their mailboxes.
Subscription boxes are a business model not to be overlooked. Whether you have a new beauty product you can put into a beauty product subscription box or whether you are starting a coffee roastery and want to market your coffee as a subscription service, subscription boxes are a great way to go.
Infographic source: Subscription Box Mom
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