— March 11, 2019
Social media is a fantastic way to bring awareness to your brand, business, products, and services. With that said, social media can also be a productivity trap since growing your following on each platform can take a great amount of time and effort.
Are you struggling to fit managing your social media accounts into your schedule? It may be the perfect time to consider handing off social media management to a virtual assistant. Here’s why:
Consistency is the key to growing a following.
Brands and influencers have large social media followings because they put in a lot of work. They post great content consistently over months and even years. You also need to post to your social media profiles consistency to grow your follower count. If posting every day is something that you’re having trouble doing, hiring a virtual assistant to post for you can work wonders.
Schedule in a day on your calendar to create all of the content you want to share on social media for the next month. Put the content into a spreadsheet and have the virtual assistant share it for you each day. This way you only have to worry about doing the bulk of your social media work on one day per month.
It gives you a break from the social media echo chamber.
Engaging and networking with other influencers and business owners on social media is one of my favorite things to do. But there is a point where engaging and being on social media is no longer productive or good for creativity. Too much engagement with other brands and businesses can start impacting your own business decisions.
Have you noticed online that there’s quite a bit of sameness going on?
Content from one business owner to the next is starting to look and sound similar. It’s not on anyone’s fault. We just get so much information coming in from different directions that when we sit down to develop our own strategies we are influenced by what we’ve seen and heard.
Handing off social media to a virtual assistant gives you a break from the social media world so you can quiet the noise and focus on creating great ideas without influence.
It can increase your earnings.
Here’s a quick exercise—write down how much an hour of your time is worth and then write down how much per hour you’d be willing to pay a virtual assistant.
Now, answer these questions—Is spending hours per day on social media a good use of your time? Could that time be better served working for clients?
Posting and engaging on social media may not have a direct ROI for you yet. If not, it’s probably a good idea to outsource it to a VA so you can spend your time making money in other areas of your business. Focusing on money making activities instead of devoting hours upon hours to social media each week could increase your revenue.
Final Word
Social media is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, social media gives you access to customers and clients all over the world. On the other hand, social media can be a waste of time if your efforts aren’t directly benefiting your business. Handing off management related tasks like answering comments and posting each day to a virtual assistant is a strategy to consider.
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