WordPress Launches Plugin To Support Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages

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CMS announces support for AMP versions of posts, asks for help kicking the tires and squashing bugs in the plugin.


You don’t have to be a huge publisher to take advantage of Google’s new Accelerated Mobile Pages project.

Sure, the feature is already live for some articles on major media properties like Vox, The Verge, BuzzFeed, the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Guardian, which all have signed onto the effort that aims to radically speed up the mobile Web. But WordPress, the Web’s most popular CMS, is also onboard and announced today that it’s developing a plugin to the AMP standard. The plugin will enable WordPress publishers to create AMP versions of posts with a single click, WordPress said in a blog post.

“We believe that open source is one of the most powerful ideas of our generation. We strongly and actively support a free, open internet. We’re very happy to support an open source initiative like AMP, which brings publishers and technology companies together to make a better mobile experience for everyone.”

The plugin is brand-new, and WordPress is asking for help “kicking the tires” and “squashing bugs” on a Github page. You can see the feature in action on this post (as long as you tap through using your mobile phone).

For more coverage of Google’s AMP, see our other posts from earlier today:

Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, Backed By Google, Promises Faster Pages

Try It Now: Google Search For Accelerated Mobile Pages To See Content On Your Phone Faster

(Some images used under license from Shutterstock.com.)


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