You Can Teach An Old Blog New Tricks

Hi, Welcome
December 4, 2014


Beginnings are often hard and launching an online business is no different. From the very start online retailers are bombarded with new terms they need to understand in order to make some important decisions and improve the quality of their services. To help you make your first steps in the world of blogging, or to revive your otherwise lifeless WordPress site, let’s take a look at basic blog facts you will often hear in relation to your business or personal endeavors.

We’ll call it, “Teaching your old blog new tricks” or perhaps just a good ‘ol teaching.

Know That Needs Change Over Time

As your organization continues to grow and evolve, your blogging needs will naturally change over time. This is especially true when it comes to the content curation schedule of 2015, and each year thereafter. There is no hard and fast method I can offer you that specifically dictates “How to Blog”. This is unfortunately a question that does not have an easy (or boilerplate) response.

Although your content will need the necessary unique personal touch, having relevant titles and keywords will always be necessary. Therefore, you should take the following into consideration when planning your content each month to assure proper validity of keywords while paying attention to KWD and other factors which could either help or convolute your content and wage heavy Panda penalties.

Knowin that needs change over time is paramount since the more readable (and updated) your content appears, the stronger your readership will be. At the end of the day, everyone simply wants an excellent blog to read with numerous contributing editors involved.

Content Need Not Be Perfect – Yet

I’m not saying you should write content that looks like absolute garbage, but everything doesn’t need to be fit for an award show, either. If you have an idea of what to write about, write it. If you don’t have an idea to write about, write about anything related to your niche. The point of blogging for your business is to increase exposure for your actual business, so by providing Google with plenty of content, you’ll increase your Page Rank and get more traffic. As your blog grows with Google and traffic increases, then you can write only meaningful content for your users.

My friend Aditya runs an Indian makeup blog (WiseShe), and knows the value of precision in readership.  Aditya will often run through content several dozen times before finalizing it – this is a practice you, too, should follow.

Keep your research and SEO equally aligned

Again, your objective here is to get more business, so if you focus your efforts solely on SEO at first, you’ll give yourself a serious head start, especially if you run a New York used cars business or even an Indian makeup blog. Rather than writing meaningful content at first when nobody will be reading your content anyway, and then focusing on SEO later on, you can do it the other way around and have better results.

Aside from research, there are much deeper intricacies when considering what content will be written, and on what day, all of which should tap into your business’ creativity. Your end results of having engaging readers and content which teaches instead of pushes sales could go awry without actually planning what points should be covered by you, or staff writers. Consider these points when planning your content each month:

  • What time of season is this? Would something that hits holidays work for my content?
  • Whether you’ll plan regular articles, video assistances or how-to’s
  • If your company is anticipating big announcements during a given month
  • What your guest bloggers need to cover, if anything
  • Which other posts your content should link to (since internal linking is very important)

The inevitable task of planning your content will rely on cooperation with everyone, which means that planning content could be the entire writing teams’ effort, or at least fairly opinionated.

Keep Consistency

Google loves when your content is continuously flowing, but it’ll also help you get into the habit of keeping a steady stream of content going, especially when you’re at a point in time when you would like to write more meaningful content. Whether it’s two or three posts a week or more, keeping the content going is key to increasing traffic for you blog, which then turns into more traffic for your business. What does that result in, then? More profits.

Blogging is a serious task for any motivated individual. If you manage yourself well with your own business and follow these tips, your blog will be just as successful as your business. If you need more tips, check out online classifieds as well.

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