You Want More Leads – So Use These 9 Tips Now

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Every business can use more leads, and business owners are constantly searching for new ways to increase the number of leads that their website generates. There are two things that will help increase leads. The first is to increase website traffic, and the second is to increase conversion rates. This sounds great (and completely logical), but many business owners struggle with both of these.

The only way to increase your conversion rate is to drive more traffic, and it needs to be targeted traffic. You could drive thousands of visitors to your website daily, but if they have no interest in what service or products you provide your conversion rate will be nonexistent. In an effort to help your business generate more leads we have put together a list of nine tips to help increase your traffic and conversion numbers.

1. Make Sure Your Website Loads Quickly

A slow loading website will turn away prospects extremely fast. Nobody has the time or patience to sit there and wait for your pages to load. There probably aren’t too many business owners that test their page load speed or look into what is causing performance issues. This isn’t because they don’t care, as most are unaware that there are potential speed issues and a way to improve the problem.

There are two great free resources that can help identify issues that are causing page loading delays as well as provide solutions to fix the problems. The first is GTmetrics and the second is Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Simply enter in your URL and they will provide you with a score and suggestions to help improve your speed.

If your visitors aren’t sticking around long it is very unlikely they will convert into a lead.

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You Want More Leads – So Use These 9 Tips Now image Google PageSpeed Insights 600x176

2. Ensure Your Website is Responsive

It is so important that your website is accessible on mobile devices, as 61% of mobile users are likely to leave a website that is not mobile friendly, and 88% of consumers who search for a type of local business on a mobile device call or go to that business within 24 hours.

If the user has trouble navigating your website on a mobile device do you think they are going to go out of their way to interact with any of your calls-to-action? Of course not! Give them a pleasant mobile experience and watch your conversions increase.

3. Write Content That Provides Value

When you create content for your blog don’t worry about SEO. Worry about whether or not it is going to provide value to the website visitors that stop to read it. Are they going to learn something or are they going to view it as overly promotional?

Often times we have business owners ask us how long their content should be. There is no right or wrong answer. Do you think a website visitor is going to finish reading your blog posts and say to themselves, “Well I am very interested in this business but this blog post was only 800 words and I only interact with companies that produce a minimum of 1,200 words per post.” How ridiculous does that sound? Focus on providing value and watch your leads increase.

4. Share Your Content

You have social media accounts and you are creating content for your website, correct? Are you sharing it on social media after you create it? As obvious as this question might appear, there are several businesses that do not share their own content across their social media profiles.

This results in more sharing and introducing additional consumers to your brand. It is also important that you make your content easily shareable by your visitors. We use a very simple plugin that displays eye appealing share buttons and allows our visitors to share our content with a single click of their mouse.

When your content is shared across social media it begins to drive traffic to your website that is interested in your brand. This will naturally result in more leads being generated.

You Want More Leads – So Use These 9 Tips Now image mashshare social share plugin

5. Ensure Your Email Marketing is Mobile Optimized

Nearly 70% of all email is opened on a mobile device, so it is important to make sure that the email management program you are using is sending mobile friendly emails. If you are using calls-to-action in your emails you want to make sure that the reader can quickly identify them and click through to your website.

This also goes back to point #2 above. If someone can read the email on their mobile device and then they click over to a website that isn’t mobile friendly they are going to leave. Make sure that the entire flow, from email to website visit, is pleasant on mobile devices to increase the number of leads you generate.

6. Use Infographics

Every business is starting to blog now, and while it is a very effective way to get website visitors interested in your brand, sometimes you need to stand out. Nearly every website is publishing blog posts, and infographics allow you to use visual content to really grab the attention of your visitors.

Not only will more visitors interact more with an infographic when compared to a regular blog post, but they will also be shared more across social media. A well thought out and clever infographic can go viral, especially if it is related to a current event. Companies that use strategic infographic marketing can really drive a lot of targeted website traffic, resulting in more leads.

7. Include Multiple Calls-to-Action on Your Website

Not only should you have calls-to-action on ever single page of your website, but you should have multiple CTAs located all over your website to increase your lead conversion rate. There are multiple action examples, such as downloading a free eBook, subscribing to a newsletter, signing up for a webinar, or filling out a contact form.

It is important to have them located throughout your website. We have three CTAs on every page. We have a free eBook offer, a newsletter subscription offer, and a quote request option located in our sidebar and then we also have an option to subscribe to our newsletter in the footer of our site. This enables visitors to sign up that reach the bottom without having to scroll back up.

8. Give Away Something of Value for Free

One of the CTAs mentioned above was for a free eBook download. This is a great way to generate more leads, as your visitors will be happy to give up their name and email address in exchange for something that they see value in. Both sides get what they want. Your business generates a new lead and the visitor receives something of value.

There are many different incentives you can offer. eBooks, webinar access, special discount coupons, access to locked content, or special reports are just a few examples. Every website is going to have a different market and target customer, and by using common sense you can identify some attractive offers to entice your visitors with.

9. Send Traffic to Relevant Pages of Your Website

Often times businesses will launch huge online marketing campaigns and drive the traffic to the home page of their website even though they are using keywords and ads related to specific products or services that their business sells.

It is important to send traffic to the most relevant page of your website. For instance, if you are running a pay per click campaign and targeting keywords related to a particular product that your website sells you would want to send those visitors to the actual product page on your website where they can read more information about it. This increases the odds of them completing one of your CTAs and turning into a lead.

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