Your Complete Blueprint For Making Money With Guest Blogging

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September 18, 2015

Your Complete Blueprint for Making Money with Guest BloggingLike any other money making platform, with guest blogging you need to start with a plan.

Mapping out how you are going to build your guest blogging business – and make no mistake, using guest blogging to make money is a business – will help you maximize your revenues, minimize your labor, and help keep you on track to long-term success.

Implementing guest blogging also works wonders in creating new readers and creating a unique brand for yourself, when done right.

So I put together 6 useful blogging tips when you use this technique to get you started on the right foot….

I’m pointing out these important area’s that you should focus on when guest blogging. While I didn’t include a long list of guest blogging sites to chase down, I did include the 5 best sites at the bottom of this post.

1. Developing an Area of Expertise

The first thing to consider is what niches you should focus on. If you have written a blog in the past, your blog’s niche probably is a good starting point.

That’s because you already have some knowledge about your subject matter and probably some passion as well, or at least you did at one time. This will help make your guest blogs more entertaining and allow readers to connect with your material more easily.

In order to be able to write as many guest blogs as possible, you should have several niches that you regularly write about. These should be topics that you are familiar with and can write enthusiastically about. Think about hobbies you have or had in the past, or subjects that you are passionately interested in.

2. Multiple Specialties Offers Greater Flexibility

Having a few areas of expertise will make it easier later when it’s time to approach bloggers with your guest blogging offer.

It will also make it simpler to research and identify successful blogs related to your niche subjects that you can focus on.

3. Driving Traffic to Your Sales Funnel

The ultimate purpose of guest blogging is to drive prospective customers to sales funnels you set up so that you can promote your products or services. But when you approach established bloggers with your offer to submit a guest blog, you have to walk a fine line between entertaining and promoting.

If somebody allows you to write a guest blog on their blog and you submit content that blatantly promotes products, they probably won’t publish it or, if they do, they won’t allow you to write any more guest blogs in the future.

4. Don’t Obviously Promote

Instead, you need to use subtlety and even a little guide when you write your guest blogs. If you are going to promote a product, it should come in the form of a product review or a recommendation rather than a blatant advertisement or promotional blog.

A more effective plan is to simply have the objective of getting your target audience to want more from you. Provide them with high-value information related to your niche that they can use in their everyday lives but always leave them wanting more.

Make it clear that the way to get more of this high-value content is by following you back to your own web page, whether it is your own blog, a sales page, or some other website.

While the ultimate objective remains the same – to get people to click through to your sales pages – because you are a guest blogger who is posting on somebody else’s blog, you have to treat their readers with tact and grace.

5. Establishing Your Expertise

When you post a guest blog on somebody else’s blog page, odds are their readers are not going to know who you are. That’s why it’s important that you establish yourself as an expert on your niche topic.

Portraying yourself as a trustworthy expert on your niche subjects has two main benefits:

Bloggers will be more likely to allow you to contribute guests posts on their blog

Readers will put more faith in what you have to say and will be more willing to follow your recommendations, believe your reviews and click through to your sales pages

6. Pointing to Your Accomplishments

One great way to establish yourself as an expert is by emphasizing your education. If you have an advanced degree in a particular area, most people would be willing to acknowledge your expertise in that field.

While you don’t want to fabricate phony academic degrees, you should certainly emphasize your academic credentials in order to reinforce your readers’ perception of you as an expert. Keep it real.

Here are my top picks for sites to Guest Blog for.


Traffic Generation Cafe

Copy Blogger



Think Traffic

Firepole Marketing

To learn more about guest blogging and other techniques for improving the profitability of your business go here.

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