YouTube Launches Global Target Frequency Feature
YouTube has introduced a global target frequency goal option for video campaigns that allows advertisers to select a goal of up to four weeks. The platform will then optimize toward the reach and goal.
This is an extension of a feature launched earlier this year when YouTube announced a frequency measurement solution on Display and Video 360. It allows marketers to manage the number of times people see the company’s ads across YouTube and third-party networks.
Advertisers can now select the frequency target and YouTube’s systems will optimize toward maximum unique reach with a frequency goal.
The built-in capping monitors that campaigns are delivered within a tight distribution range so viewers don’t see the ads too many times.
Early test partner Triscuit set a goal to ensure its brand remained top of mind with consumers by driving incremental impact for its reach campaigns with a frequency target.
The brand set up a video experiment to determine the incremental ad recall that a weekly frequency of two could deliver. The Target frequency campaign achieved a 93% higher absolute ad recall lift compared to the non-frequency optimized campaign, at a 40% cheaper cost per lifted user, according to YouTube.
“Achieving the right video ad frequency for both viewers and advertisers has always been a juggling act,” Marvin Renaud, director of global video solutions, wrote in a post. “That challenge has only increased as linear TV viewership in the US has dropped from 100 million households in 2014 to a forecast of just 44 million by 2025.”
Reach declines and the number of times someone sees the same ad on TV increases. It’s frustrating for viewers and wasteful for advertisers.
“On average, TV advertisers’ return on investment (ROI) decreased by 41% when frequency exceeded 6+ weekly impressions — which represents 46% of TV impressions served, according to a MMM meta-analysis commissioned with Nielsen,” he wrote.
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