YouTube Marketing Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

Hi, Welcome

— December 6, 2016

Videos are more effective as a communication medium than pictures or words. As a result, YouTube has become the prime platform for marketing products and services. Whether you want to expand your business locally or internationally, you can use this platform to create an effective marketing strategy.

However, before you get a camera and start shouting “Light! Camera! Action!”, you need to understand what YouTube can offer you as a marketing platform and what steps will give you the best results. The following cheat sheet will guide you through the process.

Please print out the cheat sheet and put it where you can see it regularly, or make the image your computer’s wallpaper. You can refer to it as you create those high-ranking videos that will help you increase your audience.

YouTube Marketing Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

Infographic source: SocialMediaMarketo

Here are some video marketing strategies and YouTube tips.

YouTube and Video Marketing Cheat Sheet

  1. Start with an Awesome Title
  2. Write a Description that Hooks Viewers In
  3. Use Appropriate Tags so Viewers can Find Your Video
  4. Use an Eye-catching Thumbnail
  5. Upload Your Video in High Definition
  6. Add Transcript to Your Video so Search Engines and People Can Use It
  7. Keep the Video Short & Sweet
  8. Add Music to Increase the Emotional Impact
  9. Include a Brand Logo as Watermark
  10. Link to Other Videos of yours that are Relevant
  11. Use a ‘Call To Action’ at the End

SEO Expert Brian Deans Tips for Higher Rankings in YouTube

  • Provide a Hook – A Quick Intro
  • Jump Into the Content Quickly to Improve “Watch Time”
  • Use The Perfect Video Length 5+ Minutes, Make Sure Video is Not Too Long
  • Use “Open Loops” to Hold People’s Attention. Open Loops is when you Mention Whats Coming Later in the Video
  • Promote Your Video Content to the Max


Include video marketing and YouTube in your 2017 marketing budget. Follow the steps on this infographic to get better results. If you need a hand get professional help!

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Cent Muruganandam

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